Abbreviations and acronyms

AHPPC                  Australian Health Protection Principal Committee

ARTG                     Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods

ASHM                   Australasian Society for HIV Medicine, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine

BBV                        Blood-borne virus

BBVSS                   Blood Borne Virus and Sexually Transmissible Infections Standing Subcommittee

CDNA                    Communicable Diseases Network of Australia

DNA                       Deoxyribonucleic acid

EMR                       Electronic medical record

ERG                        Expert Reference Group

EPP                        Exposure prone procedure

HBV                       Hepatitis B Virus

HCV                       Hepatitis C Virus

HIV                         Human Immunodeficiency Virus

IEC                          Institutional Ethics Committee

IVD                         In-Vitro Diagnostic Device

MBS                       Medicare Benefits Schedule

MSAC                    Medical Services Advisory Committee

MSM                     Men who have sex with men

NAT                       Nucleic acid test

NATA                    National Association of Testing Authorities

NHMRC                National Health and Medical Research Council

NPAAC                 National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council

NRL                        National Serology Reference Laboratory, Australia

PEP                        Post-exposure prophylaxis

PrEP                       Pre-exposure prophylaxis

PWID                     People who inject drugs

RANZCOG           Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

RCPA                     Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia

RNA                       Ribonucleic acid

SoNG                    Series of National Guidelines

STI                         Sexually Transmissible Infection

TGA                       Therapeutic Goods Administration

Compulsory Testing

Where a person has no choice in being tested, e.g. as directed under a Public Health Order.

Exposure Prone Procedure

Defined by the Communicable Diseases Network Australia’s national guidelines as a subset of ‘invasive procedures’ characterised by the potential for direct contact between the skin (usually finger or thumb) of the healthcare worker and sharp surgical instruments, needles or sharp tissues (spicules of bone or teeth) in body cavities or in poorly visualised or confined body sites (including the mouth). In the broader sense, an exposure-prone procedure is considered to be any situation where there is a potentially high risk of transmission of blood borne disease from healthcare worker to patient during medical or dental procedures.

Mandatory testing

Refers to situations where people may neither participate in certain activities nor access certain services unless they agree to be tested. Examples of circumstances in which mandatory testing is appropriate include before blood, tissue and organ donation, and for immigration purposes.

Occupational exposure

An exposure that may place an employee at risk of HIV, HBV or HCV infection through percutaneous injury (e.g. a needlestick or cut with a sharp object, contact of mucous membranes, or contact of skin with blood, tissues or other potentially infectious body fluids to which Universal Precautions apply).