Terms of Reference

The National HIV Testing Policy Expert Reference Committee (ERC) meets from time to time to review the National HIV Testing Policy and to consider what action might be necessary to improve quality, uptake and regulation of HIV testing in Australia.

The ERC brings together all parties with an interest in HIV testing and provides a forum for discussion of policy matters raised by third parties in relation to HIV testing. It acts as a forum for identification of barriers and impediments to accessing HIV testing and provides a sounding board for the exploration of how these barriers and impediments might be removed. The ERC provides background information to jurisdictions and the Commonwealth, the Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections Standing Committee (BBVSS) of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), regulatory and other advisory bodies. The ERC provides a voice to raise issues relating to HIV testing with test providers, pathology companies and others. Members are requested to participate in the ERC on a voluntary basis. No sitting fees are provided.

Membership and secretariat

Philip Cunningham
Chief Operating Officer
NSW State Reference Laboratory for HIV, Centre for Applied Medical Research,
St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney

Phillip Keen
Coordinator of the NSW HIV Prevention Partnership Project
The Kirby Institute, UNSW

Aaron Cogle
Executive Director
National Association of People with HIV Australia (NAPWHA)
NAPWHA representative

Andrew Grulich
Professor and Program Head
The Kirby Institute, UNSW
Kirby Institute representative

Brendan Crozier
Clinical Psychologist and Allied Health Unit Manager
Sydney Sexual Health Centre
Sexual Health Counsellors’ Association of NSW representative

Cathy Pell
Sexual Health Physician and GP HIV s100 Prescriber
Taylor Square Private Clinic
St George Sexual Health Clinic
Clinician representative

Chris Lemoh
Infectious Diseases Physician
Monash Health (infectious diseases, general medicine and refugee health)
Victorian African Health Action Network
Invited member

Cherie Power
Senior Policy Analyst
Centre for Population Health, NSW Health
NSW Health representative

Darren Russell
Cairns Sexual Health Service
Invited member

Heath Paynter
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO)
AFAO representative

Ian Woolley
Infectious Diseases Physician
Monash Health
Monash University
The Alfred Hospital
Invited member

Jeffrey Post
Infectious Diseases Physician
Prince of Wales Hospital
The Albion Centre
Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Service, NSW
Prince of Wales Clinical School, UNSW
Invited member

Jules Kim
Chief Executive Officer
Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association
Scarlet Alliance representative

Kate Bath
HIV Programs Manager
Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM)
ASHM representative

Kirsteen Fleming
State Nurse Coordinator
Family Planning NSW
Australasian Sexual Health and HIV Nurses Association (ASHHNA) representative

Lauren Coelli
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Albury, NSW
Australasian Sexual Health and HIV Nurses Association (ASHHNA) representative

Lisa Bastian
Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program, Communicable Disease Control Directorate, Public and Aboriginal Health Division, WA Department of Health
WA Department of Health representative

Louise Owen
Director, and Sexual Health Physician
State-wide Sexual Health Services, Tasmania
Vice President
Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM)
ASHM Board representative

Martin Holt
Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW
Invited member

Melissa Kelly
Staff Specialist in Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine
The Albion Centre
Invited member

Michelle McNiven
Director, IVD Reforms
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
TGA representative

Nicholas Medland
Consultant Sexual Health Physician
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
Invited member

Philippa Hetzel
National (Serology) Reference Laboratory, Australia (NRL)
NRL representative

Rebecca Newton
Blood Borne Viruses, STI and Torres Strait Health Policy Section, Office of Health Protection
WA Department of Health and BBVSS representative

Roger Garsia
Pathologist and Immunologist
Immunology Laboratory, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney
Invited member

Ronald McCoy
Senior Medical Educator
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
RACGP representative

Sharon Lewin
Peter Doherty Institute
Invited Member

Skye McGregor
Epidemiologist and Program Head, Surveillance and Evaluation Research
The Kirby Institute, UNSW
Kirby Institute representative

William Rawlinson
Senior Medical Virologist Director of Serology, Virology and Organ and Tissue Donation Services (OTDS) Laboratories (SAViD)
NSW Health Pathology, Prince of Wales Hospital
Public Health Laboratory Network representative